I spent several days in Irkutsk - one of the oldest Russian towns. It is situated on the banks of the Angara river which is the only river starting from the biggest lake in the world - lake Baikal. A lot of foreign tourists from different countries visit this lake and really enjoy its beauty.
2 комментария:
Dear Lyudmila,
Thanks for a beautiful post about Irkutsk! It's great how all of us can learn about other countries through blogging! Love it!
I just got back from a couple of days at the Google Geo Institute. They taught all about using Google Earth in the classroom. So, I just looked up Irkutsk on Google Earth and followed the river. It's a great tool!
Hope you are enjoying your summer! It won't be long and we'll be back in the classroom. When does school start for you? Our school starts on September 1.
Your friend,
Linda Yollis
So wonderful to see that you are posting again and great to see your wonderful post about Irkutsk! It seems amazing and wonderful, a beautiful place. We are still at school so let us know as soon as your class gets back and we can start commenting on your work again!
Mr Webb, Room 8, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.
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