Мhttp://superstars2nd.blogspot.com/ой список блогов

четверг, 22 сентября 2011 г.

What's your name song

10 комментариев:

Анонимный комментирует...

I like your song!

Learning English комментирует...

Dear Jane,
Thank you for your comment!!!

Анонимный комментирует...

Dear Lydmila and class,

I want to compliment you on a lovely song! I am originally from the former Soviet Union and now live in the United States. I think what you are doing with blogging is wonderful.

My daughters are in Mrs. Yollis class (one of your blogging buddy classrooms). I will definitely tell them to visit your blog. Your classroom children look adorable.


Learning English комментирует...

Dear Victoria,

Thank you so much for your warm comment and kind support!

You are lucky to have such a creative teacher!! Mrs. Yollis
really deserves her award!!!I try to follow her in my work.

Have you ever been to Russia after the Soviet Union?

Your friend,

http://comesomersaultwithsarah.blogspot.com/ комментирует...

Dear Lydmila and class,

I am a third grader from Mrs. Yollis class. I love your adorable songs. I think your class will learn English really quickly. What grade do you teach?

From,your new blogging friend,

P.S. My mom Victoria just left you a comment too.

♥Miriam♥ комментирует...

Dear Lyudmila and class,

Your blog is great. The kids are all so cute! In our school we don't learn a second language until sixth grade. I speak Russian with my family, but I can't read or write.


P.S. My sister Sarah just left you a comment too.

Learning English комментирует...

Dear Sarah,

Thanks a lot for your comment!!!
We are year 2 students and this is our first year of learning English. It's fun.
Have you ever been to Russia?

Your friends,

Lyudmila and class

Learning English комментирует...

Dear Miriam,

Thank you for your comment!!
We learn foreign lanquages from the 2 grade. How interesting that you can speak Russian!!!! If we skyped we could understand each other:)))

Hope to hear from you again,

Your Russian friends

Sarah♥ комментирует...

Dear Ludmila,

Thank you for responding back. Do your students also comment? I have never been to Russia, but I would really like to go. Have you ever been to any other country?


Learning English комментирует...

Dear Sarah,

My 3 and 2 grades students are not experienced in English yet, we comment together.

I've never been to any other country but I'd love to.

Your friends